Meeting Chronos

How can Captain Cook’s adventures in Hawaii provide fresh insights into the figure of Ulysses and the place of the past in the Odyssey? In what way has post-Wall Berlin, a patchwork of modern experiences of time, contributed to the conceptualization of the notion of a « regime of historicity »?

Tracing his path between literature, anthropology and history, as well as the stages of his questioning of the ways in which past, present and future are articulated – from Antiquity to contemporary presentism, via the reign of Christian time in the West – François Hartog highlights the unprecedented challenges posed by the changeover to a new epoch of time.

  • François Hartog

    Directeur d’études émérite à l’EHESS, François Hartog a publié une douzaine de livres, tous traduits en de multiples langues, dont Régimes d’historicité (2003), Croire en l’histoire (2013) et Chronos. L’Occident aux prises avec le temps (2020).

Translated in
  • Spanish
  • German