Everything you wanted to Know About Climate Change (or Almost!)

« The climate is changing, but it has always changed »; « CO2 is not a poison »; « Polar bears thrive on the ice pack »; « Predicting the climate? but we can’t even predict next week’s weather! »; « Humans have always adapted and will continue to adapt ». Who has never heard or read these preconceived ideas? Although the realities of climate change are becoming ever more palpable, and there is no more doubt among climatologists that humans are responsible for it, climate skeptics flock to the slightest apparent contradiction or imprecise formulation and keep spreading erroneous information to clamoring audiences on social networks. Combating this disinformation is essential.

With its seemingly lighthearted artistic style and research from the finest scientific minds, this comic covers the basic stakes, taking stock of what we know for sure about climate change, as well as telling the story of how we came to know it.

Translated in
  • Korean
  • Portuguese