Paléorient 44.1 - 2018

Paléorient 44.1 – 2018



H. A. Amirkhanov

The Middle Acheulian site Meshhed III in Wadi Douan (Republic of Yemen)…. 7-17

F. R. Valla

Sedentism, the “point of non return”, and the Natufian issue. An historical perspective……. 19-33

B. Finlayson and C.A. Makarewicz

Contextualising Beidha, Jordan, in the Southern Levantine PPNB:

Communal architecture and chronology………………………………………………. 35-55

E.B. Banning, K. Abu Jayyab, P. Hitc hings, I. Ullah, S. Rhodes, E. Yasui, E. Gibb on,

N. Handziuk and A. Glasser

Jawafat Shaban and the Late Neolithic in Wâdî al-Bîr, Northern Jordan…….. 57-74

M.D. Price, C.A. Makarewicz and M.S. Chesson

Domestic animal production and consumption at Tall al-Handaquq South (Jordan)

in the Early Bronze III……………………………………………………….. 75-91

L. Zhang, D. Zhang, X. Wu, G. K. Chen, P. Wang, H. Wang and K. Wang

Ancient mud-brick architecture of Northwest China…………………… 93-103

C. Schmidt

Pastoral Nomadism in third millennium BC Eastern Arabia: A view from Al-Zebah in Central Oman.. 105-118

S. Döpp er

Towers and ditches in third millennium BC Eastern Arabia: A view from Building II at Bat,

Sultanate of Oman…………………………………………………………… 119-131

M. Heydari, F. Desset and M. Vidale

Bronze Age glyptics of Eastern Jazmurian, Iran……………………….. 133-153

M. Al-Maqdissi et E. Ishaq

Notes d’archéologie levantine LXII. Une statuette des ancêtres à Palmyre (Syrie),

datée du deuxième millénaire av. J.-C. (archives R. du Mesnil du Buisson)……… 155-162

Recensions…………………………………………………………………… 163-171

22.0 x 28.0 cm
Du même auteur
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