In Memoriam
– Forest Jean-Daniel par Vallet R.
– Mellaart James by Burney C.
– Andersson Strand E., Breniquet C., Nosch M.-L. et Tengberg M. Introduction au dossier « Préhistoire des Textiles au Proche-Orient »/Introduction to the file “Prehistory of Textiles in the Near East”
– Andersson Strand E. The textile chaîne opératoire : Using a multidisciplinary approach to textile archaeology with a focus on the Ancient Near East
– Alfaro C. Textiles from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Tell Halula (Euphrates Valley, Syria)
– Wendrich W. and Ryan P. Phytoliths and Basketry Materials at Çatalhöyük (Turkey): Timelines of growth, harvest and objects life histories
– Nieuwenhuyse O.P., Bartl K., Berghuijs K. and Vogelsang-Eastwood G. The cord-impressed pottery from the Late Neolithic Northern Levant: Case-study Shir (Syria)
– Saña M. and Tornero C. Use of Animal Fibres during the Neolithisation in the Middle Euphrates Valley (Syria): An Archaeozoological Approach
– Rooijakkers C.T. Spinning Animal Fibres at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria?
– Good I. Changes in Fiber use and Spinning Technologies on the Iranian P lateau: A comparative and diachronic study of spindle whorls ca 4500-2500 BCE
– Levy J. and Gilead I. Spinning in the 5th millennium in the southern Levant : Aspects of the Textile Economy
– Nieuwenhuyse O.P., BerghuijsK. and Mühl S. A Late Neolithic “fishing net” from Kurdistan, Northern Iraq?
– Thomas A. Restes textiles sur un clou de fondation de Gudea. Étude préliminaire
– Mutin B. Cultural Dynamics in Southern Middle Asia in the fifth and fourth millennia BC : A reconstruction based on ceramic traditions
– Grigson C. Size Matters – Donkeys and Horses in the Prehistory of the Southernmost Levant
– Goder-Goldberger M., Cheng H., Edwards R.L., Marder O., Peleg Y., Yeshurun R. and Frumkin A. Emanuel Cave (Israel): The Site and its Bearing on Early Middle Paleolithic Technological Variability
– Smogorzewska A. Fire Installations in Household Activities. Archaeological study from Tell Arbid (North-East Syria)7
– Rots V. 2010. Prehension and Hafting Traces on Flint Tools A Methodology. Leuven University Press. By S. Beyries.
– Quintero L.A. 2010. Evolution of Lithic Economies in the Levantine Neolithic: Development and Demise of Naviform Core Technology as Seen from ‘Ain Ghazal. Berlin: ex oriente. By F. Briois
– Frangipane M. (ed.) 2010. Economic Centralisation in Formative States. The Archaeological Reconstruction of the Economic System in 4th Millennium Arslantepe. Roma: Sapienza Università di Roma. By P. Butterlin.
– Lovell J.L. and Rowan Y.M. (eds.) 2011. Culture, Chronology and the Chacolithic. Theory and Transition. Oxford and Oakville. By F. Braemer.
– Vatandoust A., Parzinger A. and Helwing B. (eds.) 2011. Early Mining and Metallurgy on the Western Central Iranian Plateau. The First Years of Work. Mainz. By H. Thornton.
Thierry Rambaud Société, Droit & Religion 8
Michèle Blanchard-Lemee L’édifice appelé « Maison de Bacchus » à Djemila
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel, Guillemette Crozet L’art contemporain
Patrice Lajoye Aux origines d’Arsène Lupin
Victor Collard Pierre Bourdieu
Jean-Michel Gibert Les couleurs du vivant
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Marion AballéaUne histoire mondiale du sida (1981-2025)
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Jérôme PacouretQu'est-ce qu'un auteur de cinéma ?